I went to Boston and New York to see my family in America.
At a natural food supermarket there, I found this!
Mochi Ice Cream – 5 for $5
もちアイス - 5個で5ドル
The flavors were: Vanilla, Blueberry, Blood Orange, Strawberry, Chocolate, Mango, Passion Fruits.
I’m sure the idea of “mochi & ice” comes from Japanese雪見だいふく、but they were a little different. Actually they were very good!
And in New York, there is Matcha Café called “Cha Cha Matcha” where you can get many kinds of matcha drinks and it’s a very hot place.
Matcha is getting very popular in America!
ニューヨークには、“チャチャマッチャ(抹茶)”という抹茶カフェがありました。 そこでは、いろんな種類の抹茶の飲み物が飲めて、とってもホットな場所になっています。
It’s nice to see these traditional Japanese foods in America?
日本の昔ながらの食べ物を アメリカで見るのは嬉しいことです?